Alpha Coffee #64

7260 Racquet Club Dr. Cottonwood Heights, UT
Contact: 385-449-0580

Date Visited: November 1, 2019

Me at Alpha Coffee

“We welcome you to a community that embraces the warrior ethos and enjoys top quality, no compromise premium coffee and cocoa.” - Alpha Coffee

On November 1, 2019, I was about to head east out of Salt Lake City, UT. I needed a boost for the longdrive ahead, so I checked Google one last time for a final coffee shop. This is when I stumbled upon AlphaCoffee in Cottonwood Heights. The second I read “Combat Veteran-owned and donating coffee totroops”, I was sold – I had to check it out!

To my satisfaction, when I rolled up there was tons of parking and a gigantic Alpha Coffee sign out front.Amazing location with some huge mountains in the distance of the coffee shop, absolutely gorgeous.There were a few benches out front, covered in snow! I walked up and was super impressed by theirdecked-out mobile coffee-truck. One of the fiercest logos I’ve encountered at any coffee shop so far. Beinga graphic designer at heart, I appreciated the awesome design! The vinyl on the coffee truck was perfect;it said “Smells like victory” and “Tastes like freedom.”

Coffee truck at Alpha Coffee

I headed inside to concrete floors, panoramic windows, and tons of smiling faces. This coffee shop wasmassive and had the comfort of a ski-lodge with its built-in fireplace and lovely wooden tables. I headedup to the counter and met Zaren and Savannah, the baristas. They were super helpful and really enjoyedwhat Find That Coffee is all about. They told me how Alpha is owned by Carl Churchill, a combatveteran with 21 years of service, and his wife Lori. Carl and Lori’s son works here, and their daughter isthe marketing director. They sold coffee online for years but wanted to build a coffee shop. In June 2017they brought their idea to life, Alpha Coffee was born.

Baristas at Alpha Coffee


This mission statement resonates throughout everything they do. First, Alpha Coffee proudly roasts theirown signature veteran-owned, no compromise, premium coffee. Second, they are dedicated to offeringtheir customers amazing coffee, promoting the warrior lifestyle, providing the highest levels of service,and giving back to our military and veterans. Tying together both the warrior mentality and ethos, thisbecame the Alpha lifestyle. They state, “This encompasses serving others, living a life of honor,embracing challenge, constantly striving for excellence, staying physically and mentally sharp, connectingwith the outdoors and our natural world, and… drinking lots of awesome coffee!” I support this fully,they’re doing some good in the world.

Alpha Coffee accomplishes their mission to give back by donating coffee to deployed troops and offeringcustomers the ability to do the same. Click here to learn more. A portion of their proceeds also goestowards military charities that focus on helping veterans and their families through educationalopportunities, mission-focused employment, and outdoor therapy. Alpha tries to hire veterans and workswith other veteran-owned companies and suppliers whenever possible. Some of these charities includeContinue Mission, Heroes and Horses, VETPAW, and Labs for Liberty.

Inside seating at Alpha Coffee

Coffee For Troops

This was seriously my favorite thing that I learned. Since September 11th, 2010, Alpha Coffee has sent17,756 bags of coffee to deployed troops. That is something to be proud of. There’s a place on theirwebsite for you to either donate money towards coffee packages for troops or, if you are deployed, youcan fill out the form and they will send you coffee for you and your team. I am proud to support thiscoffee shop.

Coffee for troops at Alpha Coffee

The Coffee

I ordered a cup of drip coffee and enjoyed it while I looked around the coffee shop. The view looking outthe window was the best way to accompany this tasty cup of coffee. It was nice and fresh and supported agood cause, can’t get any better than that. There were tons of fun specials while I was there too, like theQuadzilla which was black coffee and a quad-shot of espresso! I drink a lot of coffee, but there’s no way Icould handle that. My favorite sign on the counter read, “Behind every successful person is a substantialamount of coffee.” This had me laughing out loud.

My coffee at Alpha Coffee

The Food

Alpha Coffee offers locally-sourced food options such as quiche, spinach and feta croissants, sausage &cheese breakfast sandwiches, and breakfast burritos. There’s a wide choice of delicious looking pastries aswell, and my favorite, gelato. A really cool thing I spotted was a trail mix by Red Canyon Co. that sellsnormal trail mix, but also makes varieties for dogs!

Trail mix for dogs at Alpha Coffee


Please go on their website and support this great cause and the troops fighting for our freedom. I can’twait to come back and visit again. Be sure to add them to your bucket list. And if you don’t live close,their website says they ship with the slogan “Stay Safe. Stay Caffeinated. Buy Online.” Here is the link totheir site

Mugs for sale at Alpha Coffee

The Bathroom

This was super clean and designed beautifully. Tons of toilet paper, paper towels, and even a urinal. Therewas an awesome picture of Captain America on the wall. They should paint their logo on the wall, it’s sofreaking cool. I am going to rank this bathroom an 9/10, awesome job!

Gelato at Alpha CoffeeInside seating at Alpha CoffeeCoffee for sale at Alpha CoffeeInside seating at Alpha CoffeeThe counter at Alpha CoffeeAlpha Coffee StickersShemaghs for sale at Alpha CoffeeHiring at Alpha Coffee

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