10450 Lansing St. Mendocino, CA
Contact: 707-937-4843
IG @moodyscoffee
Date Visited: September 24, 2019
Moody: (of a person) given to unpredictable changes of mood, especially sudden bouts of gloominess or sullenness.
Situated in downtown Mendocino, California, Moody's Organic Coffee Bar was anything but moody! I walked in and met some of the friendliest baristas, Kylee, Ivy, and Apaulo. I placed an order for a medium coffee and was asked if I'd like light or dark roast. They recommended I go with the dark roast. I picked up my hot coffee and carefully began to navigate around the coffee shop and discover what it has to offer. There was a whole separate room on the side where people can sit at tables, booths, or even head out front and sit under the awning. Around the room were some spectacular paintings of mythical creatures. I later came to find out that Apaulo had painted all of these. Great job man!
Kylee noticed my shirt and complimented it. I told them what I was doing and I quickly got the rundown on the shop. It changed to Moody's Coffee Bar in 2005 and before that, it was called the Cookie Company. There was a lot of controversy over the real meaning behind the name Moody's. One story is that the previous owner was divorcing his wife and she was super cranky during the whole process. The second story claims that Moody was the name of the family cow. But, no one really knows the full story, so if you find out more when you visit, make sure you comment below and let me know.
Apaulo walked me around and pointed out the pick-up window which allowed the customers to grab their coffee from the outside, super convenient. And after some placement advice, I slapped a few Find That Coffee stickers on the front window. He showed me their little candy machine that dispenses espresso beans. And a map that allowed customers to put a pin marking where they were visiting from. A super neat idea I plan to have in my coffee shop one day. It was really eye-opening to see how far people have traveled from to stand where I was standing.
The bathroom was nothing short of a janitor's closet and they apologized right away. But, I'm quickly learning that small coffee shops can easily run out of space. I loved their no trick shot drawing so with that I present them with an 7/10.