Greenhouse Effect Coffee and Crepes #59

Greenhouse Effect
3231 S 900 E Millcreek, UT Get Directions
Contact: 801-466-3273
WWW.GREENHOUSEEFFECTCAFE.COM IG @greenhousecoffeeandcrepes Facebook
Date Visited: October 31, 2019

It was Halloween and wherever I went people would ask me if I checked out Greenhouse Effect Coffee and Crepes yet. I knew today had to be it, I could sense it. I was in Salt Lake City, UT navigating my way through the streets. Everyone had directed me, "Make a right at the 7-Eleven." There it was, right behind it. Greenhouse Effect looked like a house out of a children's fairytale.

I headed under the archway, through the patio, and made my way inside. This place was the ultimate getaway from reality, I could really envision sitting out on that patio without a worry in the world. When I came in I was greeted by a pirate! Argh! Just kidding, this was Anna, the barista. I told her what I was doing and apologized for my lack of a costume. She asked me if I would like her to get a drink started. I replied, "Sure, whatever you recommend I am down to order."

A few minutes later Anna called me back to the counter with the most delicious Chai-tea Latte. She asked me what I thought and I told her how freaking good it tasted. She told me that they make their chai entirely from scratch and take a lot of pride in it. I know I'm the coffee guy but I am fully endorsing this Chai-tea when you visit Greenhouse Effect.

Anna told me Greenhouse Effect is 20 years old and this is the only location. Tons of people come here to hang with friends, relax on the patio, or do homework and make use of the free WIFI. There are couches, tables, board games, comfy chairs, and books. They served Rimini Coffee Roasters. Their most popular drink is called the Baby Geezus which is a coconut and lavender mocha. Sounds pretty tasty, I plan to try it the next time I visit.

Greenhouse Effect Coffee and Crepes is one with the community and customers that visit. They didn't state this anywhere and Anna didn't tell me directly. But I could tell from walking around the shop. They offer a corkboard for locals to post things going on and coming up; there were tons of band and concert flyers. In the back, they offered a book library. And they displayed a huge amount of art on the walls from artists such as Michael McQueen, Alex Walker, Tantric Tara, Jamie Adam, and Sage Bernier. Every Sunday is open mic, which consists of comedy, poetry, and just about anything else you can imagine.

This coffee shop has some great food options. Tons of delicious homemade breads and biscotti. You might even get lucky and snag a sample from the plate when you're there. Treat yourself to the Tiramisu or rice pudding! I wish I had ordered either one when I was there, they looked amazing. But that's not all! They specialize in crepes, with over eight sweet crepes and 11 savory crepes, you can not go wrong!

Right before I left Anna picked up two tickets that were laying on the counter and handed them to me. She told me that there was a Halloween party in town and that I should find a friend to go and celebrate. Super thoughtful of her and I really appreciated the heads up.

I did end up going to that dance party that night and my friend joined me. We had a ton of fun dancing around like fools. All I had in the van was a silly Find That Coffee button-up, but I rocked it and told everyone I was dressed as a barista. A fun spur-of-the-moment type of adventure.

The bathroom was spooky but fun. This was the first black porcelain toilet I encountered on my trip. There was a lady made out of wire hanging from a tree that was mounted to the wall – left me with so many questions. It was a clean bathroom but I would love to see more paintings and decoration on the walls, I would rank this bathroom an 8/10.

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