5 W. Manor Dr. Pacifica, CA
Contact: 650-738-2380
IG @chitchatcafepacifica
Date Visited: September 11, 2019
Just waking up, rolling over to see the bright Safeway sign beaming back at me through the curtains of my conversion van. Cars bustling by and the world beginning to wake up. Debating whether or not to slam my face back in the pillow or get up for the long day ahead. Slid the covers back, let out one of those amazing morning growls, let the day begin.
Packed my toothbrush, my favorite boxers, T-shirt, and pants. Why pants you ask. Well, it’s currently 62 degrees on the coast of Pacifica, California. Feels like winter compared to the 91 degrees I’m coming from just 23 days ago in Maryland. Made my way into Safeway, oh the joys of van life. Washed up and got ready for the day.
Hopped in the van while dodging some of the sketchiest stares I’ve gotten in the last 3 weeks. The back of this parking lot made me very uncomfortable. Googled coffee shops and the first one I stumbled upon was Chit-Chat Coffee with a rating of 4.4 and 243 reviews, less than a quarter of a mile away. Well, I need something to warm up, so I was on my way.
Across the street from the local Post Office, sits Chit-Chat Coffee. Almost 75% of the windows looking out towards the ocean. This was like walking into your grandparents living room, and I mean that in the best way. It was super cozy, a bit cluttered behind the counter but they offer everything from what I can see. I counted over 28 different syrup flavors for making their signature drinks. If you plan to visit in the later afternoon, there is a beer menu consisting of eights beers, two wines, and a delicious-sounding mimosa. Three boards consisting of delicious sandwich options and most of all, a large board full of delightful coffee options. After scanning the menus, you could say my mood was pretty high, the prices were very fair.
The barista, head deep in his phone behind the counter. Popped up and nicely greeted me. I was in no hurry today plus it was early in the morning, no one wanted to be awake. Ordered a medium coffee and headed over to the coffee bar. Staring at my six options of brews. I went back and asked the guy what brew he recommended right now and he told me "Dark French." Good call, it was tasty. Added a splash of half-and-half to it and made my way to the comfy bench in the back.
There’s such a good vibe in this place. Everyone seems happy and enjoying life. Maybe it’s a Wednesday thing but I’m not entirely sure. The lady to my right is cranking out work emails and the man on my left is playing some motorcycle game on his laptop. People trickling in and out, like ants getting sugar and then off they go.
Out of nowhere walks the happiest man I’ve seen all morning. Meet Paul, super sarcastic and full of energy. He had to be the owner, and boy was I right. Come to find out that Chit-Chat coffee has been around for 17-18 years. It’s a very local spot, not attracting many tourists with Starbucks up the road. But he was thrilled I stopped in. He told me if the fog wasn’t so thick right now, that I would be able to whale watch right from the cafe. And even cooler is the fact that a lot of musicians and artists roll into this spot.He left me in a much better mood than when I came in, a for sure place to check out.
And I know you’re curious, the bathroom situation gets a personal rating of a 9/10. A bit dark and nothing special, but it has a mirror, soap, loaded with tp, and clean lid! Nature wasn’t calling right now, but if it had, this was the place to be. Cheers!