152 Reina Del Mar Ave. Pacifica, CA
Contact: 650-735-5529
IG @ptowncoffeeandtea
Date Visited: September 12, 2019

Driving down Highway 1 heading south from San Francisco I came across a very unique cafe. Out of nowhere, I spotted a red caboose on the left side of the road. It had a massive sign on top that read COFFEE. I had to check it out. Did a quick turnaround, parked, and headed towards the caboose. I stopped to look at their board, they offer everything; espresso, bagels, sweets, pastries, and coffee.
The entrance is around the back and up the stairs. This is a place to check out for the pure aesthetic of the cafe. Do you like having options, well they offer 8 different drip coffees, tons of breakfast options, and very accommodating for people that do not like coffee. This place was delightful, I was ordering coffee in a caboose from 1935. The owner told me that she’s been operating the coffee shop for the past 8 months.She loves the business, the locals, and the coffee. Hurry in, they’re running a deal on a large coffee and doughnut for $3.
The caboose is big, but not big enough. Unfortunately, they don’t have a public restroom available.